UC Hope Thrift Store Hours
Come Visit Us!
218 Eglon Ave. SE in Glyndon, MN
Fall Hours:
Tuesday 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Thursday 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Friday 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Proceeds from sales directly benefit individuals and families in need throughout the Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton communities.

Support the Rebel HOPE Chest
Donate Essentials for Academic Success Through Our Amazon Wish List
Welcome to our "Support the Rebel HOPE Chest" section! At UC Hope, we're committed to making a positive impact on the communities of Dilworth, Glyndon, and Felton, Minnesota. Our flagship initiative, the Rebel HOPE Chest, provides essential resources like clothing, school supplies, hygiene items, and food to K-12 DGF students, empowering them to excel academically. You can easily contribute to this mission by using our Amazon Wish List. Your donations directly support students' academic journeys, ensuring they have the tools they need to succeed. Join us in fostering a brighter future for our community through your generous contributions.
Giving Back To Our Communities
Helping Other People Every Day
UC Hope
In the spring of 2020, we started UC Hope (a non-profit organization) that is focused on helping families in need in the communities of Dilworth, Glyndon and Felton, Minnesota.
We work closely with area churches, police departments and DGF school administration/counselors to assess needs in our community.

Thrift Store
We provide food, clothing and household items donated at our thrift store to families who need assistance.
UC HOPE KIDS CLUB is a free afterschool program. Students learn through a social-emotional learning model and participate in a variety of activities.
For more information email shonna@uchopedgf.com

Rebel HOPE Chest
Rebel HOPE Chest provides clothing, school supplies, hygiene items, and food to all K-12 DGF students. It is our HOPE every student is empowered to reach their academic goals through the alignment of support provided by the Rebel HOPE Chest.
Partners in our Community
We sponsor lunches in the park for the City of Dilworth Police Department.
We partner with the City of Glyndon Police Dept, Glyndon Fire Dept and DGF Music Program to buy Christmas gifts for families in need.
We provided the Fire Departments in Dilworth, Glyndon and Felton with funds to purchase safety equipment to keep them safe!
We partner with Red River Recovery to provide clothing and toiletry items for individuals attending in-patient treatment programs for addiction.

UC Hope Community Grant Program
We developed a UC Hope Community Grant Program to fund projects which enhance and strengthen the DGF community.
Holiday Food Baskets
We provide Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Food Baskets to families who would not have otherwise had a good meal.

Emergency Food Pantry
We offer an emergency food pantry for families who need assistance.
We sponsor the Dilworth Parents Group Backpack Program and the Glyndon Lutheran Church Backpack Program.
Plus, we provided 90+ backpacks filled with school supplies to help students as they headed back to school.

Flowers for Seniors
We provide flowers throughout the year for the residents at Serenity Assisted Living and Memory Care in Dilworth.
Helping Families
We assist families with medical bills and travel costs.
We assist families who experience house fires.

Winter Clothing for Kids
We provide winter clothing – jackets, hats, gloves, boots and snow pants to help students in need of warm clothing.
Get Involved - Volunteer Today!
At United Communities HOPE, we realize volunteers don't necessarily always have the time; they just have the heart!
There are many ways you can get involved. We need help setting up and pricing inventory in the thrift store, packing food baskets, and more. Contact us today to learn how you can get involved!